Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas approaches...Dec 2010

Embrace the Lunacy.

I have had a lovely evening singing carols with Kate and decorating wreaths and making a fake Christmas tree out of a squashed wreath. Then I fell asleep and awoke to go downstairs to fix all the little snowflakes, snowmen & trees to go into the glaze firing and have now come's 5:20. Some people are getting up at this time! Poppy had to fall asleep on some cushions on the bedroom floor. I come upstairs. It's crazy. I shall have a glass of Grand Marnier and enjoy the moment...embrace the lunacy...what a life...Poppy has come upstairs and is asleep in her nest, Kipper is stretched out on the floor between the kitchen and dining room (where the heating pipe goes through) and is squeaking, and the fat Minnow is on Mary's chair grooming herself. At this very moment all is well with the world. Nothing horrid has happened yet. But I have no doubt that it shall soon....but right now: peace. (and a potential hangover... this Grand Marnier is aptly named)

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