Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gogo doesn't sleep April 2010

That Karla! She said how she hadn't slept the last night and was fitfully tossing and turning all night. "Right!", I thought. "That's not happening to me!" Went out for a fun dinner with Don and Carol and Malcolm and Andrea (courtesy of Don & Carol) to a Thai all-you-can-eat in Oakville (I'm sure they lost that gamble) and thought - great! I can go to bed early at 10:30, nice and sober, ready for the morrow. No way. Thanks Karla. Great suggestion.

Slept nicely until 1:30. Scratched eyes and tried to read boring Noel Coward biography. went to toilet. Tossed and turned. Read again. Put eyedrops in. Put face cream on. Read again.. Great idea...give up and go upstairs and drink some wine and play computer games...always works. Sure, but now it's 6:10 and it's getting bright outside and I had originally intended to get up at this hour not go to bed! What to do? I know.. have a nap for a couple of hours (it's all in the power of suggestion - or. I guess it's called "the spin" nowadays).

Drat! Hope it works. Will let you know.. Night, night.......

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