Monday, August 12, 2019

In the backyard - July 2019

I'm sitting here in the's July.  The upstairsers have been at camp all week.  Joe took me to dinner on Tuesday and I fed him dinner on Thursday.  He had maintained he was going to be vegetarian but he couldn't resist the chicken at Flock on Tuesday.  Then on Thursday I said I was making lamb burgers and I mentioned cumin..."I hate cumin" he said.  "Too bad I said"  Then I said I was making a tahini sauce to accompany it and he said he hated tahini.  He ate 3 helpings of burgers with tahini and I had no leftovers!

It is a very warm night and I am sitting on my deck avoiding the holes in the deck....everything is falling apart.  But as I look around I love that I can see a wagon, a stroller, a swing, monkey bars, all sorts of kids stuff.  Nevertheless, I have a vase if wild flowers,  a crossword and a vanilla candle...and of course, some white wine.....

I can hear music - sounds of merriment, various air conditioners (not mine - I turned it off), a barking Poppy (what can she want?  She only went in 15 mins ago!)  When you stop to contemplate all the sounds you hear, it's very noisy.  What must it sound like in the country?  During the day there is much wildlife sounds but not now...but wait...what is that?  Shriek....shriek....shriek.  It's 10pm.  Would that be a bird?  There are still airplanes about and the odd honk of a car.....