Saturday, November 20, 2010

Postscript to November 2009...

Well, must add a postscript here... It is now 21st November 2010 and nothing much has changed... I am still on my perch in the kitchen. The dining room and Barney are still the same. Still listening to BBC 7 - forgot about Bubbletown so was playing computer monopoly instead. The only real difference is that I am drinking homemade wine instead of scotch and it is Sunday the 21st and I am preparing for the Santa Claus Parade party at my place tomorrow. Joe, Ali and the boys and Emily, Angus and their darlings and maybe JFsley and Delphine, and Kate and Rando will gather here for brunch and a parade-watch. In that case, what am I doing still up? Seems I can't go to bed yet. I'm rather annoyed at myself. I love it when I don't drink, go to bed early, get up early and am nice and productive and yet, at the VERY SAME TIME, I appear to be rebellious and delight in drinking more wine, not going to bed, even though I shall regret it in the morning. What is that all about? Why are there two conflicting characters in this body. Is one Patricia and one Margot? And which is which? Or is it that the only exciting thing in my life is to disobey myself? Oh how sad!

But. actually, not true. Had an amazing week..we had CJ's uplifting memorial on Tuesday, Peter Rea's lovely funeral on Thursday (if funerals can be lovely) my jewellery class at Tosca's and the finale of the International House of Plastique class and the party at Clinton's afterwards. What fun. There are SO many wonderful people in this world. more bullpoo. I'm off to bed. Good night....good luck.